in one place
Record memories, add photos and videos, and pass them on to your children and grandchildren.
Your family stories
in one place
Your family stories
Add a memory at any time
Organize your memories
Ask the right questions
Homestead helps you collect everything you know about your family in one place — and keep it forever
Is your grandma reminiscing about her childhood? Perhaps you found an old picture and your dad starts explaining who it is. Or maybe you've just remembered something about your own childhood.
With Homestead you can record any memory any time you want. It's easy to add photos, videos and voice recordings all at once.
To make sure no memory get lost, they need to be organized. With Homestead, it's easy to get everything in order.
As soon as you record a memory, you can add tags to it. Enter the date and place, tag the people mentioned in it, and add any other related topics.
People remember all sorts of things. But it might be tough for them to remember what's most important because of the simple fact that it doesn't pop right into their head.
You can fix this by asking leading questions. Homestead can help with built-in surveys about all the most important topics.
Your entire family history
in one place
All the memories you collect create an interactive family history that's easy to explore.
Family tree
All your family stories from old to new.
There’s a navigation by periods and years, so you won't get lost.
All the places important for your family are shown on the map.
You can select a place and see all memories related to it.
You can create or import a family tree
and collect stories about every relative.
If you have a lot of memories, you can group them by topic,
and create a comprehensive index of your family stories.
Reliable storage
for your memories
Memories and family stories require the highest storage standards. You need to save them not just for yourself, but also for future generations. We've got you covered.
All data is stored encrypted. You and only you control who has access.
Focus on privacy
Homestead backups use a simple data format that can be read by any device and operating system, so your data will remain accessible now and into the distant future.
Data durability
You can keep a local backup on your computer and access your memories even if you're offline.
Offline mode
Homestead supports backing up with IPFS. It's an open protocol providing data storage distributed across multiple independent computers. This means that your memories will be safe even if Homestead is out of service.
Independent cloud storage
Everything that you might need
With Homestead you can order a beautiful book with all your family stories. We'll print it and deliver it right to your door.
Put your presentation on a TV or projector to reminisce about old stories together at a family gathering.
You can grant access to members of your family and work on your family stories together.
Book printing
Presentation mode
Family sharing options
Homestead works in your browser on any desktop or tablet. There are mobile apps for iOS and Android as well.
and mobile support
В homestead вы можете заказать красивую книгу с вашими семейными историями. Мы напечатаем и доставим её вам.
Печать книг
Use for any kind of memories
Record all your family stories, add photos from family albums, and create your family tree.
Collect family stories
Make sure all you love and care about won't be forgotten. Write down your memories any time you're feeling nostalgic regardless of order, gradually building up an interactive guide of your life.
Write your own memoir
Create comprehensive biographies of your parents and grandparents. Ask them about important things in their lives, write down their stories, and pin key places on the map.
Help a relative write their biography
Every parent loves taking pictures of their kids. But it's hard to sort through all the photos later. With Homestead, you can add the most important events in your children's lives that they'll want to remember later.
Record the milestones
of your kids' lives
Try it
for free